Hi Everyone,

I'm very excited to launch my new website.  In addition to featuring performances, recordings, updates, clinics and photos, I would like to share some concepts, techniques and theories I have amassed over 30 years of listening, learning, practice and playing, as well as failing, flailing, reaching and resistance.  Always going back to aforementioned but that is the intent. 

Welcome Blog - Sam Monroe Drums | DC Drummer, Instructor & Composer | sammonroedrums.com

I'm hoping for a regimen of "basics to creativity." Take for example the half time shuffle; there are plenty of wonderful/reputable sites one can go to hear and learn that groove. And most often than not, that's the one you'll play on a gig.

I will have that groove and then an extension of it.

I've been fortunate enough to work with some very talented and creative musicians whose music has allowed me to stretch the fundamental grooves and role as a drummer.  Most importantly, you play what's right for the music and the people you are working with and playing for.

Hope you enjoy and please feel free to contact me here or at sam@sammonroedrums.com.
